
How will we benefit the leisure industry Supplier?

For All : You can be part of the allince no matter the size of Business.

Research : Find other contracted suppliers & resellers and start a new relationship.

Listing Option :At the minimum list your Products & your organisation details so that others can find you with You

Extranet : Connect via API, our extranet or use Middleware option to connect to suppliers as well as distributors

Content : Manage your content for free to include text and photo library

Contracted Suppliers : These are suppliers who have contracted with us and are displaying their products on our system and have agreed to work with other re-sellers. They have an assigned Relationship Manager who will work with you. and are able to help them. We will also help to ensure that all legal documentations are available, for purpose of KYC, are properly filed so that other members have the comfort of knowing you better.

Reservation system : A fully operational and easy to plug into reservation system that offers you full booking, validating, accounting and reporting functions

Client Reviews : Benefit from clients reviews on a single platform

Address : 156 Cromwell Road Kensington, London SW7 4EF, United Kingdom | Email : | Call : +44 (0)203 608 3444

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